Monday, 22 June 2015

Here are the 10 Steps of the “Water Secret”

1. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those with a high water content (e.g., apples, melons, carrots, lettuce, pineapple, tomatoes). According to Murad, your cells are better able to effectively use and retain water from food.
2. Take a daily multivitamin, as well as Omega-3, Lecithin and Glucosamine supplements. Bonus points if you also take a B-complex vitamin, Calcium + Vitamin D, and an antioxidant supplement. Many of these nutrients are necessary to maintain the health of the cell wall structure (thereby increasing the retention of water within the cells).
3. Get moving! Exercising helps maximize your cellular water throughout your muscles.
4. Practice Self-Discovery. What job or hobby would you like to try? What’s the one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime that you haven’t yet? Keep a journal, start a blog, write down the positive things you’re grateful for in your life.

5. Get some sleep! Dr. Murad states that insufficient sleep may well be the biggest health-related lifestyle problem in America, as it can lead to obesity, depression, immune impairment, and lowers the threshold for enduring stress.
6. Try something new and work with your passions and talents as much as possible. Take a cooking class, pottery workshop, or join a book club. Meet new people, experience new things, immerse yourself in what makes you passionate. Excite your brain!
7. Give back to the people you love. Put down the phone, log off your computer and spend REAL face time with people to nourish these connections. Volunteer to clean up a neighborhood park, mentor at a local youth club, or something else that will connect you to your community.
8. Water your skin and treat it well. Wash your face in the morning and evening and slather on a hydrating moisturizer. Wear sunscreen. Get a facial!
9. Relax. Set time aside each day to turn off your cell phone, forget about FaceBook, and stop checking emails. Get a massage once a month. Get outside and experience Mother Nature.
10. Celebrate. Get together with friends or family and have a good time. Laugh until your sides hurt! Spending time with people who are dear to us can be incredibly therapeutic.

Unisex hair salon..part 2

Treatment Hair Spa (LOREAL)
Short RM80++ | Medium RM150++ | Long RM180++

Treatment Scalp (LOREAL)
Short RM180++ 

Treatment Keratin (ARGAN)
Short RM120++ | Medium RM175++ | Long RM250++

Cut, Wash & Blow
Short RM28++ | Medium RM38++ | Long RM40++

Cut Fringe

Child Cut

Blow                                              Blow Curl
RM15++                                        RM25++

Blow Curl                                      Up Style
RM25++                                         RM20++

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Unisex Hair Salon...

Wash & Blow
Short RM15++ | Medium RM28++ | 
Long RM30++

Rebonding (NORMAL)
Short RM120++ | Medium RM200++ | Long RM250++

Rebonding (Shiseido)
Short RM200++ | Medium RM250++ | Long RM300++

Short RM100++ | Medium RM150++ | Long RM200++

Short RM80++ | Medium RM120++ | Long RM180++

Short RM60++ | Medium RM80++ | Long RM100++

Short RM90++ | Medium RM140++ | Long RM200++

Treatment (NORMAL)
Short RM60++ | Medium RM80++ | Long RM120++

Saturday, 20 June 2015